
Waiver, Assumption of Risk and Release

I, the above signed, wish to volunteer my services to various community service organizations and projects through you, One Brick, a California nonprofit corporation ("One Brick"). In consideration of your locating, arranging, coordinating and/or making available volunteer opportunities, I hereby agree and release you as follows:

  1. I acknowledge and agree that the nature of the volunteer services which are typically performed by One Brick volunteers, and which may be performed by me as a One Brick volunteer, can pose serious risks of injury or death and may involve:
    • strenuous physical activity (including without limitation work with heavy tools and materials),
    • contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons,
    • travel to and from various unspecified locations, and
    • other potential risk of injury.
  2. I hereby release and forever discharge and hold harmless One Brick and its directors, officers, partners, agents, employees, successors, assigns, licensees, sponsors, donors, representatives, guests and affiliates from and covenants not to sue any of them for, any and all liability, claims and causes of action, whether known or unknown, arising out of, based upon or relating to my participation as an One Brick volunteer or in any One Brick related activity or project, even though such liability, claims or causes of action might arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of One Brick, its directors, officers, partners, agents, employees, successors, assigns, licensees, sponsors, donors, representatives, guests or affiliates.
  3. I further understand and agree that this waiver, release and assumption of risks is to be binding on my heirs and assigns. I am fully aware that One Brick carries no medical or other insurance for any volunteers. I also understand that One Brick does not assume any responsibility or obligation to provide financial assistance or other assistance, including, but not limited to, medical, health, or disability insurance, in the event of injury, illness, death, or property damage. AS A VOLUNTEER, I AM EXPECTED AND ENCOURAGED BY ONE BRICK TO MAINTAIN MEDICAL, HEALTH, AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR MY OWN BENEFIT.
  4. I further irrevocably grant to One Brick, its assigns and successors, my consent and full right to: use my name, photograph, likeness, image, voice and biography in any and all media, publications, advertising, and publicity, in connection with my participation hereunder.
  5. This release shall inure to the benefit of One Brick, as well as to the benefit of its successors, licensee, agents, employees, affiliates and assigns.photograph, likeness, image, voice and biography in any and all media, publications, advertising, and publicity, in connection with my participation hereunder.