Event: Mountain View Educational Foundation Gala and Auction
Location: Los Altos Community Center
97 Hillview Ave, , Los Altos, CA 94022
Date: Apr 26th 2025, 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Staff: Manager: Gilles M
RSVP: This event is FULL
Note: Space sometimes opens up just before an event

Event Description:

This is MVEF's annual fundraising gala.  Through our collective fundraising efforts, we hope to raise over $150,000.  With the support of the Mountain View community, MVEF intends ultimately to raise $1.2M to support extensive programming that supports all students across the district and ensures access to a well-rounded, competitive education.

What we'll be doing:

One Brick will be helping with tasks including check in/check out and silent auction, wine wall and selling raffle tickets. 

MVEF will need for the volunteers to download the event app on their phone to help.  They can delete the app as soon as the event is over.

What you should know:

Dress code is Business Casual.  Food and drink will be provided.

This location has a parking lot.


Where to Meet:

We will be in the Grand Oak Community Room - Look out for Gilles with his One Brick gear.

Mountain View Educational Foundation:

Founded in 1984, the Mountain View Educational Foundation ( MVEF)  is a local nonprofit that raises funds to ensure that every student in the Mountain View Whisman School District has access to a well rounded, competitive education. MVEF supports  9 elementary and 2 middle schools serving 5,100 students. MVEF  raises funds for art and music, science, athletics, professional development, science lab materials, hands-on science field trips and more.  

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