Volunteering is as easy as .... 1... 2... 3!


Given the high percentage of folk vaccinated in the Bay Area One Brick Silicon Valley is back! We're rebuilding the team and putting more and more events on the calendar.  Make sure you're signed up for our Newsletter for all the latest news, or follow us on social media!


If you're interested in helping us rebuild we are currently looking for volunteers to help with the following positions:

  • Event Logistics - Looking for 1-2 people to help run Events Logistics synching between our team of EMs and local non-profits to set up events
  • Newsletter content writer - help us run the monthly newsletter by providing monthly content such as upcoming or past event write ups
  • Event Managers - whether you're a past EC/EM or newbee - we'd love more EM's so we can help more non-profits out!

Drop a line to sv-exec@onebrick.org for more details!

Kate on behalf of SV Exec Team

About One Brick

One Brick is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (Federal ID: 77-0593889) that is a community of volunteers that support other local nonprofits by creating a friendly and social atmosphere around volunteering. After each volunteer event our volunteer team invites everyone to gather at a local restaurant or coffee shop where they can get to know one another in a relaxed social setting. Additionally we host regular social events for our volunteers to connect to one another and to welcome new volunteers to our community.

We provide a flexible way for you to volunteer where and when you want.

Building Community Through Volunteering!  More ...