Volunteering is as easy as .... 1... 2... 3!

Welcome to One Brick Builds

2022 UPDATE: Given the continuing situation with COVID-19 our focus for the remainder of the year will be on organaising single day rebuilding events in conjunction with our regular chapters around the US. For 2023 we are looking for assistance both as Event Managers and with Event Logistics.  Please contact DanaB at onebrick dot org for further details on how you might assist.



This chapter focuses on providing opportunities for volunteers to help in distant communities, such as places which have been hit by natural disasters.

Over the years we’ve had requests to respond to various disasters around the country, but we haven’t had a dedicated team to plan such trips. Well, now we do! The goal of this chapter will be to provide valuable volunteers to communities in need and to create volunteer opportunities for One Brick volunteers to help those communities.

The chapter is set up just like a traditional chapter with a volunteer lead Executive Team and Event Management Team. The trips are run very similarly to what we have done over the past 13 years in New Orleans, meaning One Brick will partner with a nonprofit organization that is already on the ground doing work. Where possible we will provide housing and some meals, and volunteers will have free time to explore the local community.



About One Brick

One Brick is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (Federal ID: 77-0593889) that is a community of volunteers that support other local nonprofits by creating a friendly and social atmosphere around volunteering. After each volunteer event our volunteer team invites everyone to gather at a local restaurant or coffee shop where they can get to know one another in a relaxed social setting. Additionally we host regular social events for our volunteers to connect to one another and to welcome new volunteers to our community.

We provide a flexible way for you to volunteer where and when you want.

Building Community Through Volunteering!  More ...